£1000 Total prize fund up for grabs in our fabulous festive 
Christmas Voucher Raffle 2024!!! 

Win up to 6 vouchers in time for Christmas 

These will be either for M&S or John Lewis (you will be allocated one or the other – you can’t choose – but both are pretty fabulous

With a chance to win six vouchers in total ~ the more tickets you buy ~ the more chance you have of winning

Tickets are just £3 each, and there is no limit to how many you buy 

And of course, all funds raised will be helping to fund vital care of the sick, stray, injured, and starving animals we support here at Friends of the Strays of Greece 

Please email [email protected] for tickets, and you will be sent the payment details
PLEASE NOTE: like many of our volunteers, the person running the ticket sales works full time and will get to tickets in the evenings, but there may be a delay between requesting and sending the tickets. Please be patient when waiting for yours to arrive by email. Thank you.
Good luck

We are absolutely delighted to announce that the draw has now taken place, and the below raffle tickets were randomly selected as a WINNER!!!!
2 x 1st Prize: £250 M&S or £250 John Lewis gift voucher go to:
4839 Leah Ringwood-Hoare & 5698 Helen Jacobs
2 x 2nd Prize: £150 M&S or £150 John Lewis gift voucher go to:
5887 Sam Tordesillas & 5203 Noelly Loyer
2 x 3rd Prize: £100 M&S or £100 John Lewis gift voucher go to:
5150 Deb Bridges & 4962 Alan Rabbitts
We are thrilled for all the WINNERS!!
The Charity cannot do everything they do without the continual kindness, generosity and unwavering support of you, their faithful supporters. 

Thank you again to everyone for entering our raffle, we really hope the winners enjoy their prizes and send love and grateful thanks from all the animals you have helped with your involvement.

With everyone’s generosity we have raised a whopping …

from this raffle.